Top five best-selling toys ever worldwide

Every generation remembers a toy that was on everyone's lips at the time and that everyone coveted or owned.

Some of these special items have stood the test of time while others were a passing fad.

So much so that anyone can easily guess some of the toys that have sold the most over time and continue to be loved by children around the world.

Rubik's cube
When it first went on sale in 1974, no one would have imagined such a huge success on a global scale. Invented by Hungarian Erno Rubik who had studied architecture and sculpture, it was not an immediate success but, by 1983 it had already sold for $100 million. In 2017, the Rubik brand had sales of a record $250 million.
Cabbage Patch Doll
 Xavier Roberts which, in 1983, sold its creatures to Coleco. By the end of that same year, the U.S. company had sold more than $3 million worth of dolls. At the time, one of these dolls sold for $25 but today there are collectors willing to pay as much as $2,000.
Hot Wheels
Another huge success of Mattel dating back to 1968, when these toy cars sold for $0.59 each. It was the founders of Mattel, Ruth and Elliot Handler , who saw a great market opportunity for games aimed at boys and children. So they hired some designers from GM, Chrysler and Ford to create the first set of 16 Hot Wheels. To date, Mattel has sold 16 million toy cars and Hot Wheels 's franchise is worth about $8.5 billion.
Barbie is now considered a cultural icon all over the world. It was in 1959 that this doll from Mattel, presented atAmerican International Toy Fair at New York, first appeared. One secret of her success was her ability to change her appearance in line with the evolution of society.
The colorful bricks first hit store shelves in 1947 and were a revamped version of Lincoln Logs and Tinker Toys. According to Good To Know, 7 boxes of LEGO are sold every second, which, by 2020, had sales of nearly $44 billion. It is also estimated that, at least 400 million people worldwide have played with LEGO at some point in their lives.
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