Mistakes not to make when choosing children's shoes

Choosing children's shoes is very important because the little ones must be able to walk comfortably and safely and their feet must not be damaged.

For this reason, it is extremely important to take some precautions when buying shoes for children. It is not enough that the shoes are aesthetically beautiful and that the little ones like, they must also meet some requirements.

For example, it is important that the shoes are not too high, are not too large compared to the size of the foot but at the same time are not tight or try to avoid open shoes or sandals.

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Why is it important to choose the right shoes for children
Choosing children's shoes is very important because the little ones must be able to walk comfortably and safely and their feet must not be damaged.
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Avoid shoes that are too high
Children's shoes should not be too high and should not block the foot.
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Avoid open shoes
When buying children's shoes it is better to avoid open shoes and sandals.
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Do not buy shoes with numbers that are too large
Shoes of larger numbers can be dangerous for children.
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Prefer non-slip shoes
Children's shoes should preferably have non-slip soles.
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