Here's how to make panini cards of the World Cup in Qatar 2022

Sept. 14The World Cup 2022 album was already released last Sept. 14 and can be purchased online at Panini's website and at newsstands in the Starter Pack format

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The World Cup 2022 album was already released last September 14 and can be purchased online at the Panini website and at newsstands in the Starter Pack format
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Panini stickers are made at a company in São Paulo, Brazil
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There is a lot of hands-on preparation behind the soccer cards: one by one, the players and coaches of the soccer teams that end up in the album have to be photographed
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This means thousands of miles traveled by Panini photographers and thousands of photos taken, chosen and adjusted
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Once the photographs are taken, we move on to the graphics section and printing. Once printed, one machine cuts the figurines while another divides and packages them
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