12 games to do with children on New Year's Eve

12 games to do with children on New Year's Eve.

New Year's Eve is approaching and finally comes that magical moment when friends and relatives meet all together and celebrate. Whether you are at home or on holiday with children, finding a fun way to spend the evening is very important to start the new year with joy and positivity.

In this photo gallery we have collected a series of games that you can do with your children to create unforgettable moments together. Scroll through the photos to discover them all.

Games to do with children on New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve is approaching and finally comes that magical moment when friends and relatives meet all together and celebrate. Whether you are at home or on holiday with children, finding a fun way to spend the evening is very important to start the new year with joy and positivity. In this photo gallery we have collected a series of games that you can do with your children to create unforgettable moments together. Scroll through the photos to discover them all.
A classic on these occasions: family game for young and old!
Create a playlist (with lyrics) of your favorite songs. Have the text appear on a monitor and start the party!
You can have fun inflating balloons with helium and listening to funny voices, or you can pop them, fill them with water or use them to play volleyball or other games. There are a thousand things you can do with balloons!
Paper trumpets
A classic on New Year's Eve to create a festive atmosphere.
Face painting
Prepare the colors and make up the children, they are enthusiastic!
Purpose board
On the one hand the old habits, on the other hand the new good habits. Making resolutions is a great way to celebrate the new year: set a good example for children!
Photo booth
Prepare a very simple place to take pictures and decorate it. Take makeup, masks and colors and take funny photos! Kids love it.
Drawing and coloring
Children love coloring and drawing: do it all together, maybe on a sheet of paper or on a cardboard or on a wall that you can share!
You can dance, dance and dance again!
Bowling alley
There are rubber pins on the market to play bowling at home without risking damage. A game with guaranteed fun!
Treasure hunt
Treasure hunt, indoors or outdoors! A classic.
Pillow Battle
Between one game and another it is always good!
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