Ideas to celebrate a child's first Christmas

A child's first Christmas is a magical moment to remember.

But how to celebrate the first Christmas of a small child, since he does not have a full perception of what is happening? The ideas to be exploited are many, just make sure that everything, for the child, is play and surprise. A small gift to unwrap, games to do with other children ...

In short, even if the child will not understand much of everything that happens about the festivities, he will certainly be amused by some small Christmas activities that can be done together. After all, the magic of Christmas is able to involve everyone, big but especially small, no matter the age.

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Ideas to celebrate children's first Christmas
A child's first Christmas is a magical moment to remember. But how to celebrate the first Christmas of a small child, since he does not have a full perception of what is happening?
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Christmas decorations
Younger children, celebrating Christmas for the first time, can help adults and older children decorate the house, even if only by simply adding Christmas decorations to the tree or around the house.
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The Gifts
Making a small Christmas gift to the child who celebrates it for the first time and seeing him unwrap the package, is one of the most exciting moments for a parent.
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Games with other children
One of the most fun ways to make your child celebrate their first Christmas is to invent games that can involve them with all the other children present.
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The little helper in the kitchen
To celebrate a child's first Christmas, he can be involved in the preparation of some dishes, such as desserts. Under parental supervision, your child can help add decorations or mix creams and doughs.
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