Digital native children: 5 tips on how to safely educate them 

We have now reached a point where newborn children are referred to as "digital natives," that is, born into a world now deeply corrupted by technology. From their earliest years, these children will inevitably go toe-to-toe with phones, tablets, video games, chat rooms, and so on. This is not necessarily a bad thing, technology is an extraordinary means of learning such as there have never been in human history, but of course along with the advantages come risks.

Those who have approached these means already at a certain age have learned over time and through mistakes how to defend themselves from the threats of the net and beyond, but children do not have these filters, and therefore protection is up to the parents.

It is important to teach a proper relationship with technology and the Internet, and the ways to do this exist, and they are also very simple. If you don't know how to go about teaching your children to be careful and use technology responsibly, follow our advice.

Digital native children: 5 tips on how to safely educate them 
We have now reached a point where newborn children are referred to as "digital natives," that is, born into a world now deeply corrupted by technology. From the earliest years of life, these children will inevitably go toe to toe with phones, tablets, video games, chat rooms, and so on. This is not necessarily a bad thing, technology is an extraordinary means of learning such as there have never been in human history, but of course along with the advantages come risks. Those who have approached these mediums already at a certain age have learned over time and through mistakes how to defend themselves from the threats of the net and beyond, but children do not have these filters, and so protection is up to the parents. It is important to teach a proper relationship with technology and the internet, and the ways to do this are there, and they are also very simple. If you don't know how to go about teaching your children to be careful and use technology responsibly, follow our advice.
Digital education in the family is critical
The first approach with technology, and more specifically with the Internet, should be under the supervision of a parent. The latter should show and explain in detail the basics, as well as the opportunities and especially the dangers of surfing online. Younger children should never be left alone with a pc, tablet or phone. At the same time, it is important to respect their boundaries, and teach them to be autonomous in their enjoyment of the medium.
Talk about the activities carried out online
This is a key step, and an essential way to protect them from online dangers. Have them tell you about their experiences, the sites they visit on the Web, their activities. Verbalizing experiences is so important because it makes both the child and the parent accountable for what has been done with their time online. Encouraging them to talk about their emotions while they are on the Internet will also help them to be accountable for their own activities, educating them to avoid certain sites and research others.
Creating moments of sharing
It is also important to spend time online together. Of course, it is easier for a parent to get closer to the child's interests than vice versa. Get him to recommend an app or video game, watch some videos together, teach each other tricks and secrets. This will lead to him not feeling embarrassed about his online activities, and will no doubt also encourage him to let you in on it without you having to be the one to ask.
Creating technology-free moments
Here the issue needs to be divided into two. It is important first of all not to leave them alone to play with the tablet while you do other things, it is one of the worst and most diseducational things you can do. Instead, organize activities together, with the whole family, where technology is forbidden and not used. The young, or developing, child will surely feel more involved in family life, something that today, unfortunately is being lost. In addition, it is also important to give rules about the use of technology. Putting stakes is useful: no technology at the table during meals, no technology after a certain hour. This will first of all avoid addiction, and also teach respect for parental rules and limits. In short, everything's gained.
Parental control up to a certain age is essential
It may seem a bit oppressive, especially for today's generation that wants everything and now, but up to a certain age, parental control is a key thing, because it allows parents both to monitor their children's online activities and to prevent access to certain dangerous sites. You can also impose device usage times, to prevent children from spending the day on it.
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