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How to prepare children for the arrival of a brother or sister

The arrival of a younger brother or sister is a very relevant change for a child.

When a brother or sister arrives, the older child may have to deal with mixed feelings such as jealousy or think that the parents will have less care and attention for him. To prevent this from happening, there are a few things parents can do to help your older child cope with this time of important change.

Parents can then put into practice some small strategies that can make the arrival of the newborn less traumatic for the older baby.

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Talking to your child
The arrival of a younger brother or sister is a very relevant change for a child. When a brother or sister arrives, the older child may have to deal with mixed feelings such as jealousy or think that the parents will have less care and attention for him. To prevent this from happening, there are a few things parents can do to help your older child cope with this time of important change. Among the first things to do, talk to the child about the situation, communicate with him and explain what is happening.
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Tackle one change at a time
The arrival of a little brother can be a "traumatic" event and that is why the older child should not face further novelties than this. Parents should therefore avoid making the arrival of the new baby coincide with other important events, so that the older child does not have to face more relevant events.
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Involve big brother
To enable the child to best experience the arrival of a baby brother or sister, it can be helpful to involve the child in everything related to welcoming the newborn. Involving the child means making him or her feel part of what is happening.
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Preparing the baby for the temporary absence of the mother
On the days of childbirth, mom will be absent from home for a short time. To ensure that the child does not suffer too much because of this short detachment, it is recommended to prepare him for this moment. The solution of talking to the child and telling what is happening remains valid.
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The gift of the newborn to the big brother
When the baby arrives home for the first time, it is useful to make the older child believe that the new sibling has given him a gift (for example, a soft toy or other toy). This can help your child feel more comfortable with the newcomer and get used to him faster.
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