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Remedies to calm children's cough

Coughing is an annoying disorder for everyone, both adults and children, especially when it comes to dry cough.

Completely eliminating the cough can be a difficult task, at least until it has made its natural evolution, but there are several solutions to try to calm it, in addition to relying, of course, on the drugs suggested by the doctor.

To help children cope better with coughing, parents can take advantage of some remedies and some practical solutions, which will alleviate the symptoms in the little ones and allow them to better cope with the discomfort. Let's find out what they are.

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How to help children endure coughing
Coughing is an annoying condition for everyone, both adults and children, especially when it comes to dry cough. To help children cope better with coughing, parents can take advantage of some remedies and some practical solutions, which will alleviate the symptoms in the little ones and allow them to better cope with the discomfort. Let's find out what they are.
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Keep your nose clean at all times
Coughing is also often linked to colds. To help the child breathe better and let the cold and cough pass sooner, the nose must be cleaned and freed very often. The cleaner the nose, the faster the symptoms will pass.
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Humidify the room
Children's cough may intensify if the air inside the room is dry (for example, due to the presence of heating or air conditioning on). Humidifying the room is an excellent solution to overcome this problem.
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Make your child drink plenty of fluids
The child should drink plenty of fluids (water, juices, milk ...) because this promotes hydration and the mucous membranes dry out less, reducing coughing and its discomfort.
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Give more vegetables and fruits
Fruits and vegetables are two types of foods that should never be missing in children's nutrition. This is because fruits and vegetables contain important nutrients that help make the immune system stronger and also fight cough.
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Help with honey
To try to counteract the discomfort of coughing, parents can prepare an infusion or herbal tea and add a little honey. Remember that, in general, all hot drinks can be of relief.
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