Three secrets you never knew about the Playstation 1, Sony's first console

It is now 29 years since that day, back in 1994, when Sony launched the Playstation 1, one of the most beloved and popular video game consoles in history and which, over the course of its commercial 'life,' was able to sell more than 100 million unique units.

Despite being so widely sold, studied, and loved, this legendary console still holds several secrets that few people know.

PlayStation marked Sony's debut in the field of consoles and was a huge success, starting a revolution that changed the image of consoles themselves for the general public, from a product designed for a younger audience to a technological reality capable of changing everyday family life.

Di Evan-Amos - Opera propria, Pubblico dominio,
Three secrets you may not know about Playstation 1
It is now 29 years since that day, back in 1994, when Sony launched the Playstation 1, one of the most beloved and popular video game consoles in history and which, over the course of its commercial 'life', was able to sell more than 100 million unique units. PlayStation marked Sony's debut in the field of consoles and was a huge success, initiating a revolution that changed the image of consoles themselves for the general public, from a product designed for a younger audience to a technological reality capable of changing everyday family life.
Three secrets you may not know about Playstation 1
Despite being sold, studied and loved so much, this legendary console still holds several secrets that few people know.
PS1 worked, maybe even better, when put underneath on top
We all remember the feeling of waiting on the Play 1 home screen, yes?! In the case of very ruined discs, or after simply a few years of using the optical drive, many times the game would not start, and the console would remain "freezing" on the home screen. One technique to restart it was to turn the console upside down, leaving the ventilation grates free. This made it possible, if nothing else, to play for a few hours without problems. This is obviously not something explained in the factory specifications, but a homemade, do-it-yourself method that was worth trying (and often worked).
Di Evan-Amos - Opera propria, CC0,
On the PS1 you could play Game Boy games (color and earlier)
An unofficial accessory called the Super GB Booster made it possible to play Game Boy games on the PlayStation, just as was done on the Super Nintendo with the Super Game Boy. This had to be connected to the parallel port located at the back of the console. Of course, many games would not start, or would run poorly, but many others would play quietly on the TV, in some cases even performing better than on Nintendo's handheld console.
Di Sony - Manabu Sakamoto -, Pubblico dominio, https://co
The Play 1 disks, like those of many PC games, had secrets
There were plenty of easter eggs in Playstation 1 discs, as was in vogue in the 1990s. For example, the discs of 'FIFA 2001' and 'Gran Turismo 2' were scented when scratched. Some had special audio tracks in them with exclusive messages that could be heard through an audio player, and still others gave the possibility to listen to the entire soundtrack of the game, like a real audio CD.And again, in 'Crash Bandicoot 3 Warped' it was possible, for example, to unlock the demo of 'Spyro The Dragon' by pressing Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right and Square in the main menu. But the list is still long and could go on.
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