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Christmas trips with children, the most beautiful destinations

The Christmas holidays are one of the best times of the year to organize family holidays. Some destinations are particularly suitable for travelling with children.

There is no shortage of ideas on the destinations to be exploited to make a Christmas trip with the little ones, whether it is in the mountains, the sea or the city. Many places, in this period, dress up and are perfect to let children experience the magic of Christmas and to live it together with the whole family.

During the Christmas holidays, then, you can have a lot of days available to move to destinations more or less far from home. In short, a wonderful time to travel and get to know new places, together with the children.

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On Dolomiti with children at Christmas
The Christmas holidays are one of the best times of the year to organize family holidays. Some destinations, then, are particularly suitable for traveling with children. Among the recommended destinations are the Dolomiti (Italy), which offer a spectacular landscape for the Christmas holidays with the little ones.
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Christmas with children in the Canary Islands
Among the selected destinations for Christmas trips with children, the Canary Islands are an excellent seaside destination to exploit. The average temperature, even in winter, is around 20 degrees and Tenerife and Fuerteventura are wonderful even in winter.
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Christmas holidays in Bruges with children
Among the city destinations to be exploited for the Christmas holidays with children there is Bruges (Belgium). The medieval village is illuminated and is full of Christmas markets, for a truly evocative atmosphere.
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Christmas holidays in Rovaniemi with children
In Rovaniemi (Finland) there is the Santa Claus village, the ideal and exclusive destination to spend the Christmas holidays with children. Adults and children can meet Santa Claus and cross the threshold of the Arctic Circle.
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Christmas holidays on a cruise with children
Among the ideas to be exploited for the Christmas holidays with children, the hypothesis of booking a cruise is excellent. Among the destinations to consider are the Mediterranean but also Egypt.
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