Guinness video games: 10 incredible records from the video game world

For more than 40 years now, video games have entertained boys and girls of all ages. Some of these have gone down in history, while others are still played today despite being released several decades ago.

This world is indeed vast, and it is an industry that now turns over billions of dollars each year, being compared to modern multimillion-dollar film productions. But have you ever wondered, for example, what is the best-selling video game in history? Or what is the most recurring character in the video game world?

The 2023 edition of Guinness World Record collected a lot of interesting data that we now want to show you, with the 10 most interesting records in the world of video games.
Guinness video games: 10 incredible records from the video game world
For more than 40 years now, video games have entertained boys and girls of all ages. Some of these have gone down in history, others are still played today despite being released several decades ago. This world is indeed vast, and it is an industry that now turns over billions of dollars each year, being compared to modern multimillion-dollar film productions. But have you ever wondered, for example, what is the best-selling video game in history? Or what is the most recurring character in the video game world? The 2023 edition of Guinness World Record collected a lot of interesting data that we now want to show you, with the 10 most interesting records in the world of video games.
Di Qurren - File:SCPH-30000 vertical.jpg & File:SCPH-75000CB.jpg (Both by Qurren), CC BY-SA 3.0,
Best-selling console ever
This title should be attributed to Playstation 2, the famous console from Sony produced from 2000 to 2012. In total, it would have sold about 155 million units over 13 years. It allowed people to play games, surf the web and watch DVDs all on one device, a true revolution for the time. It also allowed Playstation 1 games to be played. Despite the advent of the PS3 in 2006, the PS2 was still produced for another 6 years.
Di Rockstar North - [1], Marchio,
The most successful action-adventure game
In 2013, now 10 years ago, GTA V, for Playstation 4, produced by Rockstar Games, was released. Even with the advent of GTA V online, Michael, Trevor and Franklin continue to entertain audiences around the world. By February 2022, the game had sold as many as 160 million copies, for more than six billion dollars in sales. To date, it is the best-selling game of its kind in history.
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The best-selling first-person shooter series
On Oct. 29, 2003, the first installment of the series "Call of Duty". was released On April 21, 2021, the publisher Activision-Blizzard reported that it has surpassed 400 million copies worldwide, making it the best-selling first-person shooter ever. A total of 18 main story games plus 15 spin-off.
The world's best-selling single video game (not saga)
It is "Minecraft" the best-selling video game in history. Released in 2011, with its blocky graphics, no one could have imagined such success. By April 2021, this video game had sold as many as 238 million unique copies. To date then, thanks to continuous updates due to its popularity, it is becoming an increasingly beautiful and graphically appreciated game.
Di valepert - screenshot effettuato personalmente, Copyrighted,
Largest number of movies based on a video game series
As many as 25 feature films have been made based on the famous video game series "Pokemon", first published in 1996 (yellow and green version). As of March 2021, this franchise had sold 380 million copies for the video games alone, not counting all other products, such as figurines, action-figure, anime etc...
Di Nintendo - Nintendo, Copyrighted,
The most critically acclaimed video game
"The Legend of Zelda", first released in 1986, has always been a huge success with both audiences and critics. Establishing Link among the most popular characters ever, however, was the first 3D version, released in 1998, and called "Ocarina of Time". This game achieved a rating of 99/100 on the review aggregator Metacritic, making it the most critically acclaimed video game of any era.
By Christopher Strachey -, Public Domain, https://commons.
The first video game in history
Incredibly, the first real video game in history dates back to 1952. It consisted simply of a program for playing checkers, created by Christopher Strachey for the Ferranti Mark 1 computer. A player had to challenge the computer, and checkers was shown on a tube Williams screen.
Di catturato da Luca Dell'Orto - video ufficiale, Copyrighted,
The largest cast for a video game
One of the masterpieces of Rockstar Games, "Red Dead Redemption 2", released in 2018, took a full eight years to make. Millions of dollars in budget allowed the use of as many as 1,200 actors, to realize the dialogue and scenes necessary for the plot, in motion Capture. RDR 2 was one of the most popular games ever on Playstation, and grossed as much as $725 million in the first three days after release alone.
Stefans02 -
The best-selling video game heroine
Since 1996, Lara Croft (series Tomb Raider) has thrilled as many as 85 million video gamers worldwide, making it the best-selling and most popular video game with a female protagonist in the world. Pictured: The rise of the Tomb Raider
Ricardo Samarago -
The most recurring character in the video game world
Not surprisingly, Super Mario is the character with the most appearances in the world of video games. He first appeared in 1981 in the video game "Donkey Kong", Nintendo has used him in as many as 240 different video games, not counting remakes, reissues and quotations.
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